GCP for Investigators, e-course
About the course
Welcome to an e-course on Good Clinical Practice (GCP). This introductory course explains the fundamental principles and concepts of ICH GCP, with a focus on the investigator’s responsibilities. It provides you with knowledge on how ICH GCP is applied when conducting a clinical drug trial at an investigator site.
The course meets TransCelerate’s minimum criteria for ICH E6 GCP training for personnel at an investigator site. The course is given in Swedish (GCP för prövare).
E-course – Online Anytime
Course Duration
The course takes approximately 1-3 hours to complete, depending on your prior knowledge.
Access to the Course
Direct access upon registration. You will then have 3 months to complete the course.
Course Certificate
Once all modules are marked as complete, you can download a personal course certificate.
1-4 course licenses: 2 750 SEK excluding VAT per license
For the purchase of 5-10 course licenses, we offer a 15% discount. Use discount code: EKURS15
For booking of larger groups, please contact samira.blomback@lakemedelsakademin.se
Are you purchasing multiple licenses for your company?
If so, we can customize the training with your guidelines and internal information to tailor it to your specific needs.
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Who Should Attend
This course is suited for those who have recently started, or plan to start, working with clinical drug trials and need an understanding of the various trial components and how GCP regulates a drug trial at an investigator site. The course focuses on the investigator’s responsibilities and is mainly aimed at the responsible physician/investigator. However, it is also relevant for research nurses or other support staff to whom an investigator may delegate tasks.
If you’re interested in an e-course that focuses on the practical implementation of a clinical drug trial at an investigator site, you may want to consider the e-course GCP och klinisk prövning – från studiestart till avslut.
Learning Objectives
To understand how GCP regulates the different aspects of a clinical drug trial.
Course Content
- Basic Principles
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Planning
- Agreements
- Training and Qualifications
- Delegation
- Initiation
- Recruitment of Research Participants
- Informed Consent
- Investigational Drug at the Trial Site
- Documentation
- Safety Reporting
- Monitoring Visits
- Audits and Inspections
- Closeout and Archiving
- What if the trial evaluates medical devices rather than drugs
The course is in Swedish, but quotes from ICH GCP are in English.
Highly important information necessary to ensure quality and safety.
Great to have various elements, keeping you alert.
Clear summary of the most important things an investigator needs to know.
Course Certificate
Once all elements are marked as complete, you can download a personalized course certificate. The certificate is available in the learning portal and can only be downloaded during the six months of course access.
TransCelerate Mutual Recognition
This training meets the minimum criteria for TransCelerate GCP training:
“This ICH E6 GCP Investigator Site Training meets the Minimum Criteria for ICH GCP Investigator Site Personnel Training identified by TransCelerate BioPharma as necessary to enable mutual recognition of GCP training among trial sponsors.”
Contact us

Location: Online anytime
Price: 2 750 SEK
Price excluding VAT
Language: Swedish
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