Introduction to Clinical Trials – Premium Package
Build a Strong Foundation in Clinical Trials.
Our unique course package includes some of our most popular courses in the field. Choosing the full package saves you 25% compared to enrolling in the courses separately.

For You Looking to Build a Strong Foundation in Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are essential for developing new medicines and treatment methods that improve health and quality of life. To ensure these trials are conducted safely, effectively, and ethically, a solid foundation of knowledge is required.
If you are new to the field or have recently started working with clinical trials within the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, academia, or pharmacy, this course package provides a clear and straightforward introduction to how clinical trials work, focusing on the fundamentals of design, implementation, regulations, and practical aspects.
What’s Included
A 25% discount on additional courses purchased during the validity period of the premium package.
A personalized certificate from Läkemedelsakademin confirming course completion.
A personalized certificate verifying that the training meets the minimum criteria for TransCelerate GCP training.

Scholarship for the Course Package
Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for the Apotekarsocieteten scholarships for continuing education, awarded twice a year.
The spring application period opens on February 1! Scholarship applications for spring apply to activities starting no earlier than June 1 of the same year. This means that between February 1 and March 31, you can apply for scholarships for courses starting in the fall, such as the next round of the course package on clinical studies, which begins November 4, 2025
Scholarship ApplicationThe range of content was excellent. The lecturers were professional and engaging. A pleasant atmosphere with open and inclusive discussions.
Clear structure. From start to finish. Describes the entire study process in a concise yet detailed manner.
Meet Some of the Experts Sharing Their Knowledge in the Course Package

TransCelerate GCP Training
The training meets the minimum criteria for TransCelerate GCP training, ensuring compliance with internationally recognized standards for clinical trials and facilitating mutual recognition among member companies.
“This ICH E6 GCP Investigator Site Training meets the Minimum Criteria for ICH GCP Investigator Site Personnel Training identified by TransCelerate BioPharma as necessary to enable mutual recognition of GCP training among trial sponsors.”
Contact us

Läkemedelsakademin reserves the right to postpone or cancel included courses in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Should this occur, participants in the program “Introduction to Clinical Trials – Premium Package” will receive a voucher equivalent to the standard course fee, which can be used for any course in Läkemedelsakademin’s current course offerings within two years.
Course Package InformationStart Date: No later than March 25, 2025 End Date: November 6, 2025 Participation Fee: SEK 29,500 (Regular price for individual courses: SEK 39,300) Språk:
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