Courses in the Premium Package
Introduction to Life Science (e-course):
Gain a basic understanding of the Life Science industry. 1–2 hours.
GCP and Clinical Trials – from Study Start to End (e-course):
Learn about Good Clinical Practice and the basics of clinical trials with a focus on practical implementation at a study site. 1–3 hours.
GCP for Investigators (e-course):
Learn about Good Clinical Practice and the basics of clinical trials with a focus on the investigator’s responsibilities. 1–3 hours.
Design and Statistical Analysis of Clinical Trials (Instructor-Led Online):
An in-depth instructor-led online course on design and statistical analysis. March 26–27, 2025..
Introduction to Advanced Therapies – ATMP (e-course):
Explore advanced therapy medicinal products at your convenience. 15 minutes.
Clincal Trials Introduction (Stockholm):
Our in-person course providing an in-depth introduction to clinical trials. November 4–6, 2025.
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