Compatibility of Intravenous Drugs
About the Course
Build a solid foundation in intravenous drug compatibility and gain confidence in co-administering medications! This course day is ideal for pharmacists and other professionals seeking to deepen their practical knowledge and apply it in their daily work.
Who Should Attend?
This course is designed for those working in healthcare. You might be a pharmacist, pharmacy technician, pharmaceutical professional, or GMP responsible person.
Learning Objectives
After completing the course, participants will:
- Have a broad understanding of the subject area and its practical significance.
- Have a foundational understanding of the methods used in studies on drug compatibility.
- Be able to reason about drug compatibility in relation to various clinical questions.
- Be familiar with compatibility databases and matrices and able to use tools for making their own assessments of drug compatibility.
Course Instructors
Course Content
The course includes interactive lectures and group work based on case studies.
One of the best courses I’ve attended
Very interesting and rewarding course!
Extremely skilled and pedagogical lecturers.
Course Instructors

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Date not set. Register your interest, and we will notify you when registration opens!
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