Introduction to Life Science, e-course
About the course
Sweden strives to lead in Life Science, backed by a national strategy. Well-known for academic research, robust companies, extensive pharmaceutical production, and quality healthcare, Sweden is a dynamic hub. Sustaining this requires skilled and dedicated professionals.
This e-course invites you to explore the Life Science landscape with an overview of key players, regulations, product categories, and Swedish Life Science organizations. Gain insights into job functions within the field, along with a glimpse into the latest technologies and innovations. The course is given in English.
E-course – online whenever you want
Course duration: 1–2 hours depending on your prior knowledge.
Access to the course: Direct access upon registration and one month onwards.
Course Certificate
Once all modules are marked as complete, you can download a personal course certificate.
Single license: 1 950 SEK per license
Group registration 5-10 licenses: 15% rebate with code: LSEKURS15
Group registration >10 licenses: please contact
Reduced fee for students: 480 SEK. (Group rebate not applicable)
Prices excluding VAT
Who should attend?
The course is relevant for you who work in, or near, Life Science – and in need of an overview to better understand your current or future role and possibilities.
Whether you’re a professional or a student, trainee, researcher, assistant, or in roles such as business management, finance, administration, journalism, translation, legal, or investment management, this e-course offers an overview. It’s also well-suited for those in HR, recruitment, board positions, logistics, marketing, regulatory affairs, manufacturing, quality assurance, and any other area within the broad field of Life Science.
Learning objectives
The training goal is to gain an understanding and overview of the Life Science field.
Upon completion of the course, the participant shall:
- Have an overview of the Life Science landscape.
- Demonstrate an understanding of different product categories (e.g., medical devices, pharmaceuticals, food) and their corresponding regulations.
- Recognize the involvement of the Swedish Medical Products Agency in regulating both pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
- Familiarize themselves with the regulations, standards, and key practices in the Life Science sector.
- Understand the roles played by Swedish Life Science organizations
- Gain insight into the processes involved in developing pharmaceuticals and medical devices .
- Demonstrate awareness of the diverse roles and backgrounds within the Life Science industry.
- Have an overview of the latest technologies and innovations in each sector.
Course outline
- The Life Science landscape
- Life Science career backgrounds
- Therapeutic areas
- Regulatory framework, product categories and insights into the product development process
- Other regulations and guidelines
- Latest technologies and innovations
- Organizations in Swedish Life Science – Lif, SwedenBIO, Swedish Medtech, Swedish Labtech, Naturvetarna & Apotekarsocieteten
- Life Science job functions
Interesting and interactive. Very clear. Straight to the point.
Clear definitions, short & well written texts.
The course is outstanding and offers valuable education.
Contact us

Location: Online anytime
Price: 1 950 SEK.
Reduced fee for students: 480 SEK.
Price excluding VAT
Language: English
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