GDP Basic – e-course
Learn the basics of GDP (Good Distribution Practice) with our interactive e-learning course – when it suits you and your training plan!
Use the course as an introduction to GDP if you are new in your role, or as an annual GDP refresher to ensure your knowledge compliance according to authority requirements.
The course is given in Swedish and English.
E-course – online whenever you want
Course duration: 1-2 hours depending on your prior knowledge
Access to the course: Direct access upon registration, during three months.
Course certificate
After having completed all parts of the training, you can download a personal course certificate as a documentation of completed course.
1-4 course licenses: 2 750 SEK excluding VAT per license
For the purchase of 5-10 course licenses, we offer a 15% discount. Use discount code: EKURS15
For booking of larger groups, please contact
Who should attend?
We know the importance of everyone within the organization having the right basic knowledge for their role. Therefore, we have developed adaptations of the course to various functions affected by GDP.
- GDP Basic
You affected by GDP in your role within Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacovigilance, Medical Information, Supply Chain or Marketing at a pharmaceutical or wholesaler company. The course is perfect if you are new in your role or if you need an annual refresher training on a basic level.
- GDP Basic Management Team
You affected by GDP in your role within the management of, for example, a pharmaceutical company. As part of the company management, You have a central role in ensuring an effective quality system by following quality parameters such as deviations, changes and inspections, and ensuring that sufficient resources are allocated and that the staff has sufficient competence. The course is perfect if you are new in your role or if you need an annual refresher training on a basic level. The course is condensed to “need-to-know”.
- GDP Basic Transport
You affected by GDP in your role within transport of medicines, for example as a driver. The course is perfect if you are new in your role or if you need an annual refresher training on a basic level.
- GDP Basic Manufacturing
You who are affected by GDP in your role within manufacture of medicinal products according to GMP and need basic knowledge of “the last mile”, the distribution of medicinal products in accordance with GDP.
How to know which course adaption to choose?
If You are unsure of which one to choose, please contact us for advice!
Learning objectives
After completing the course, You will have:
- knowledge of existing rules and guidelines relating to GDP
- an understanding of how medicinal products are distributed according to GDP
Very good introduction and starting point for GDP
Clear, concise and applicable information
I finally got my manager to take a GDP course and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done!
Perfect for a new employee in the team and good touch-up for myself!
Course outline
The course covers the following topics:
- Background and regulatory framework
- Requirements for wholesale authorisation
- Quality system
- GDP through the distribution chain (Certificates, Country of manufacturing and traceability, Distributor’s procedures, In the warehouse, Transport and returns, Complaints and recalls, CAPA: correct amendment procedure)
- Inspections & agreements
- Falsified medicines
- Closure and evaluation
Course excecution
Are there several people at your company taking the course? We recommend you to appoint a person to arrange a meeting for reflection on your local implementation of the contents of the course. The course provides suggestions for reflection questions to start from.
This course is in English but is also available in Swedish.
Subject matter experts
The course is developed in consultation with leading industry experts in the EU market.
Why GDP?
“The course is available in versions adapted for, for example, company management and drivers/transport. Having a common reference and “speaking the same language” within the organization usually helps to reach the same (quality) goals,” says Director of Continuing Professional Development, Sandra Trost.

Period: Always available
Venue: Online whenever you want
Price: 2750 SEK
Price excluding VAT.
Language: Swedish and
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