What is included in Regulatory Affairs Academy?

Included in the program

Included courses:

Instructor-led course, 3 days
Choose between:

Biologics Drug Development
On demand – online recording

Drug Development
October 15-17 2024, live in Stockholm or online via live streaming


Instructor-led course, 3 days
Choose between:
Basics of Regulatory Affairs
On demand – online recording
Basics of Regulatory Affairs
November 26-28 2024, live in Stockholm or online via live streaming


Introduction to Life science - e-course online_for anyone who want to learn about the life science sector and life science industry in Sweden

Introduction to Life Science
on demand – e-learning, 1-2 hours





Introduction to advanced therapies – ATMP
On demand – e-learning, 15 min 





Combination Products for Pharma – Device Perspective
On demand – e-learning, 1-2 hours






Nordic Market Access,
on demand – e-learning, 1-2 hours





Kemisk farmaceutisk dokumentation
Choose between live in Stockholm, 2 days, Swedish, March 11-12 2025
On demand – online recording, 1 day, English



Instructor-led course, 1 day
Choose between:
Regulatory documentation, content and format guide
On demand – online recording

Regulatory documentation, content and format guide
Live in Stockholm or online via live streaming, preliminary May 2025



Instructor-led course, 2 days
Choose between:
Regulatory strategies
On demand – online recording

Regulatory strategies
Live in Stockholm or online via live streaming, preliminary May 2025



GDP Basic

On demand – e-learning, 1-2 hours





Marketing and ethical compliance – an overview

On demand – e-learning, 2-3 hours





As a Regulatory Affairs Academy participant, You get 25% discount on the following courses:

Farmakovigilans Grundkurs
Instructor-led course, 3 days, Swedish, live in Stockholm December 2-5 2024





Nordic Regulatory Affairs Meeting
Instructor-led course, 1 day, Swedish, live in Stockholm October 1 2025






Apotekarsocieteten - Supporting your Regulatory career journey

We want to support you in your Regulatory journey. We know the importance of continuous exchange of experience and networking between industry colleagues, throughout the professional life. Therefore, we want to offer you as a participant of the Regulatory Affairs Academy a free membership in Apotekarsocieteten during the time of your studies (a maximum of 2 years whereafter you can choose to continue your membership at your own cost). As a member of Apotekarsocieteten, you get access to a unique network of professionals in the entire pharmaceutical field and the opportunity to influence both what activities the association arranges and the development in the life science field in Sweden.

Apotekarsocieteten also acts as a referral body, responding to consultations issued by the government, the parliament, and national authorities in matters concerning pharmaceuticals. As a member, you can contribute to the society’s advocacy efforts – influence what issues we focus on and how we work to inform political decision-making and shape policy.

What you get as a member:

  • Membership in your local and the scientific section you select
  • Participate free of charge in our activities
  • Newsletters from Apotekarsocieteten and Lakemedelsvarlden.se (in Swedish)
    Being a part of a professional network, that includes diverse competences and skills within the pharmaceutical field
    Reduced price of congresses, symposiums and books
    Priority access to our scholarships
    Information to your e-mail about vacancies in the field of pharmaceutical
    Exclusive networks and mentorships, e.g. younger professionals
    Opportunity to influence political decision-making e.g. by being a part of political referrals or help shape policies
    Electronic certificate after participation in activities
    Influence and contribute with ideas for activities

A membership in Apotekarsocieteten is always personal and voluntary and is based on your own commitment. Your free membership will take effect upon payment of the Regulatory Affairs Academy and after your own registration of membership.