Drug development
3-day Course
About the course
Drug development projects are often initiated by identifying treatment for a disease. The project usually contains a deep knowledge of the disease and the biological mechanism.
However, in order to develop a drug for the disease, a broad knowledge of many different areas is required. This three-day course provides insights into all the parts that should be addressed to effectively target a drug project. This course primarily focuses on small molecules. The course is given in English.
The course is organized in cooperation with SwedenBIO.
Who should attend?
The course is aimed for those involved in drug development (eg in small and medium-sized companies), and needs a comprehensive picture of the complex development chain.
To get the most exchange of the course, it is an advantage to have a natural science background. This course’s main focus is on small molecules.
Learning objectives
During the course you will get insight into how to work in the different stages of development, what to think about and what pitfalls there are on the road.
I understand the content to the extent that I realise what I need to learn more about!
What I learnt will help me understand cross functional discussions better at work.
Course outline
Day 1
Starting a development project/TPP
Assay development and library screening
Medicinal chemistry
In Vitro-pharmacology
ADME and drug metabolism
PD studies/In Vivo- Pharmacology
Day 2
Non clinical safety studies
Regulatory strategy
Preclinical formulation & analytics
Preclinical development and CMC
Production of active pharmaceutical ingredient
Analytical chemistry in drug development
Pharmaceutical development incl. manufacturing and quality
Translational Science/biomarkers
Day 3
Clinical trials
Medical Products Agency
Health economics and reimbursement
Business Development
Licensing Strategies among big pharma
Market, phase IV & post reg. phase
All lecturers have experience from drug development and most have worked with or in small drug development companies.
Contact us

Upcoming course
Date to be announced. Register your interest, and we’ll notify you as soon as registration opens!
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